Monthly Archives: July 2015

Important message!


Your brain told me that it needs a couple of fun days off, it’s tired from all the hard work you’ve been doing!


WEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKEEEEENNNNNNDD  and the sun is shining = YAY! It has a nice sound to it, doesn’t it?!

Enjoy yourselves, smile, fellow writers write your socks off, readers read like a ninja, think beach, think BBQ, think Monday is soooooo far away! … and please remember each day only happens once…so go out and live it!!!

Have a fab one,





smile-737278_640I have to admit that I love the feeling when you start writing and it flows as if there’s an electrical inspirational charge from brain to fingertips as you type away.

I wrote a short story out of nowhere after I finished another project, there was still an hour or so until I wanted to finish work and so I thought OK, let’s see what happens…

What happened was an 1800 word short story and it looked like a miracle when it arrived on the page! I get amazed when it happens.

It’s easy to take things for granted, the “I’m writing this today and tomorrow and the day after it’s…” but I don’t think that the magic involved in a creative piece arriving from the ether will ever diminish for me…and I don’t want it to. EVER.

I am very lucky to be able to write each day and some of it may be cringeworthy when I look back at it pre-edit but just to be able to have the freedom and the brainpower to do what I love is totally fab.

Hope you’re doing what you love to do, have a great day.


Joanne X

PS please keep your fingers crossed that the freelance job I bid for earlier gets a big fat YES from the client! THANKS!



All Change!



OK peeps, step right up and call me a change-your-minder! (And no, this is not what I look like, well maybe it is before the first gallon of coffee a day!)

No, I’m not going to change YOUR mind, no need to hide behind the mouse mat, I have changed mine about my next book. (Some say it’s a woman’s prerogative)

Talking of changing minds, even with the “faulty” bits in mine I wouldn’t change my brain, I have far too much fun with it 😉 And intrigue and puzzlement and therapy!!

Anyway, I was going to write about Victoria, Prince Philip’s gran BUT despite writing the introduction and at least half of chapter one I was just not feeling it, the vavavoooooom didn’t fire up for this book so I’ve relegated it to the back burner for a future project. It’ll get written, just not right now.

A new history subject or person had to be found so I used up my brain energy thinking – sorry brain cells – and I’ve started a book called Charles II: The Merry Monarch, La Belle Stuart and The Uncrowned Queen about Charles, his most notorious mistress Barbara and Frances, the one that got away – a unique achievement given Charles’ reputation and zealous amorous advances.

I’ve even put this one on to pre-order on Amazon so it’ll make its debut on 20th October this year.

And I even managed to read about Florence Maybrick today too (google her!)…what a good day, hope you’re having a good one too, if not, tickle yourself on the tummy until you get the giggles!



Happy Saturday!


I hope you’re having a great weekend.


I’ve had a great week doing freelance writing work, proofreading and indexing for a few clients. I’ve blogged about technology, written an article on Britain in 2015 and worked on tightening a children’s history book.

Variety is the spice of life…love it, love it, love it!

Alongside this I’ve been structuring and researching for my next royal book so my brain is currently lying in a hammock having a rest…no really!

A fantastic stress relieving tecnique which relates back to what I was told to do by my therapist a couple of years ago…to have fun ON PURPOSE… for example, yesterday I went on to Youtube and played the following fine examples of culture:

The Muppet Show theme

Manaham Na Na Na Na Na

And Beaker doing Ode to Joy!

We’ll I’d been concentrating for hours and every brain cell needed a rest, I think everyone should have their own designated five minute ha ha break in a work day.

It’s fab for your health!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks for reading this.







Freelance Work


Besides writing my own book I have been lucky enough to get some freelance work this week too…YAY!

One job was to write some information about pets and another was proofreading and editing pieces related to child development. I loved the variety, hopping from subject to subject keeps all the writing fresh.

I was concerned that by leaving my history book I’d lose the thread a little but actually, it reignited the energy because I came back to it fresh after a few days. I hadn’t even realised that I would benefit from time away from that project. Fab huh?

Hopefully those freelance jobs were the first couple of many, fingers crossed.

Incidentally, the switcharounds triggered the OCDing part of my brain, about facing new things, would the work be good enough for the client? insecurities, can you manage the workload? worries etc. but the worry was thankfully all in my head! – the clients gave me great reviews (thank you!) and I didn’t spontaneously combust.

So, if you’re a writer I’ve learned that you can benefit from taking a break from your beloved project… and if you’re a freelancer pleeeeeeease don’t go for the same jobs as me!!! I need to keep my supply of chocs and sweets up, you know how it is!!!

Have a fab weekend.




Remember Love, Remember Sousse, Tunisia


We’ve just had the minute’s silence for the poor victims of the attack in Sousse, Tunisia.

Tears welled up and now the day continues and we all move forward, hopefully with love in our hearts and a steely resolve to make this world a better and safe place.

My thoughts and sympathies are with the bereaved.hands-157947_1280

Everyone, please remember to tell someone-anyone-everyone that you love them, life is precious, we have to ensure that love conquers all. 
