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Saturday Night

Hi, it might be the heat (or insanity!) but I’m thinking seagull-sea lion-Saturday night!



Saturday Night On The Sea Front

Cyril the seagull was feeling henpecked

But that’s what happens when you fly in to a chicken coop

He would have put his glasses on when he got out of bed

So that he could see where he was going loop the loop

But he’d gone out last night on the seafront with Fred

Fred was a fellow chip eating gull, a gent and scholar

He’d drunk him under the table, and through a crisp packet

And Cyril lost his specs to the sea, “Come back!” he did holler

Looking for them Cyril and Fred made such a racket

Alas, specs are not obedient so it became time for valour

Cyril crept home to the missus, she wasn’t pleased

At the half blind gull fluttering around her tidy nest

Squawking away, his woes she did not want to ease

He assured her that he’d tried to find them, he’d done his best

Hampered by his bleary eyes. She sent him out to sleep with the bees

The morning came and there was work to do

He saw Fred on his way to the ocean, laughing hysterically

This was after he’d shocked the chickens and made them poo

Walloped his wings and bumped his head on twenty odd trees

Fred screeched “Look out to sea, mate, I’ve good news for you!”

He saw what his friend was doubled over about

A sea lion was lumbering merrily towards the shore

Wearing the glasses, unable to see through them no doubt

“You must be Cyril.” the sea lion honked, Cyril was in awe

“Your missus said to look out for you, you hungover beaky lout.”



Have a fab rest of the weekend and treat yourself to a lie in!
